Tag: Concordia
27 | Concordia (Venus and Salsa Expansions, Oh My!)
Who doesn’t love a peaceful game of economic development set in the Mediterranean? Find out if we do, this week on the show as we dive deep into the quintessential eurogame, Concordia! We also discuss the most recent version of the game, Concordia Venus as well as the expansion, Concordia Salsa. Also on the show,…
24 | Arboretum (A Soothing Path of Tension)
The thing about Arboretum is that everyone seems to like it. We have friends who would rather walk across hot coals than play a Splotter game who rave about it. We’ve also received recommendations for Arboretum from some of our heaviest gaming partners…
22 | Whose Turn 2019 (A gaming con in our own backyard)
We’re still basking in the glow of four days of gaming at the Whose Turn Con in Durham, NC – and what a great time it was! In this episode, we discuss many of the great games we played there including: Dominant Species Concordia Space Base Trellis Sidereal Confluence Wingspan Keyforge Welcome To… Root Teotihuacan…
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