Category: Episode
33 | Caylus (Worker Placement with a Mean Streak)
Today on the show, we discuss the classic, award-winning, worker placement game, Caylus! 1:01 – wine discussion5:04 – what we’ve been playing10:01 – Caylus overview and history14:48 – Caylus (in-depth discussion) Connect with us: Follow us on Instagram @cardboardandwine, or join us in our BGG Guild. If you’d like to support the show, you can find us…
32 | Whose Turn 2025 (Gaming Reunion)
We’re back – it’s like no time has passed at all! Lots of things have changed for us since our last episode, over FOUR years ago. One thing that hasn’t is our love for gaming with friends. On this episode, we introduce some new friends who recently joined us for the 2025 Whose Turn Is…
31 | Second Chance (The Game and Let’s Just Call This Season 2)
We’re back! It’s been almost a year since our last episode. What did we miss? We’ll just say the first 30 episodes were Season 1, and like any TV show worth its salt, we wanted you to wait a year for the next season. Ok not really… we got busy, things got crazy, 2020 happened,…
30 | Circle the Wagons and Sprawlopolis (Fit in Your Pocket)
One of our most pleasant surprises over the past few months is discovering Button Shy Games, producers of microgames that consist of 18 cards (or fewer) and come in a minimalistic bi-fold wallet. Certainly the small footprint of these titles is welcome for those of us whose Kallax shelves runneth over. But how much gameplay…
29 | Euphoria (Dystopian Bliss)
When you pop the shrink on a Stonemaier game, you know you will be treated to premium components and thoughtful game design. Pair that with a quirky, unique dystopian theme, and we are certainly intrigued! In this episode, we share our thoughts on Euphoria and break into the cellar to take a look back at…
28 | Tiny Towns (Regular-Sized Meeples, Tiny Towns)
When we saw the box art and components for Tiny Towns, it just looked like our type of game. There are plenty of wooden bits, oversized cards, friendly and approachable artwork, and a rulebook that’s streamlined and to the point. Maybe this game could scratch the same itch that Kingdomino scratched a year ago. Don…
27 | Concordia (Venus and Salsa Expansions, Oh My!)
Who doesn’t love a peaceful game of economic development set in the Mediterranean? Find out if we do, this week on the show as we dive deep into the quintessential eurogame, Concordia! We also discuss the most recent version of the game, Concordia Venus as well as the expansion, Concordia Salsa. Also on the show,…
25 | Century Eastern Wonders (Different, Yet Similar, Cube Trading)
There are few game mechanics more satisfying than trading sets of cubes for more better cubes. Even more fantastic is trading them for victory points! On a previous episode, we discussed our enjoyment of the cube-trading, perfect-for-a-weeknight,
24 | Arboretum (A Soothing Path of Tension)
The thing about Arboretum is that everyone seems to like it. We have friends who would rather walk across hot coals than play a Splotter game who rave about it. We’ve also received recommendations for Arboretum from some of our heaviest gaming partners…
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